[ SECRET POST #1590 ]

May 11, 2011 19:28

⌈ Secret Post #1590 ⌋

Warning: Some secrets are NOT worksafe and may contain SPOILERS.

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fscom May 11 2011, 23:29:28 UTC
fscom May 12 2011, 00:27:02 UTC
Aww. :')


havemy_heart May 12 2011, 00:32:12 UTC
I know this song gets a lot of criticism, some of it deserved, but it really helps me with my gender identity issues. If it helps you, who cares why?


childings May 12 2011, 01:04:15 UTC
I feel like I'm not getting the whole story here. Why exactly were your parents angry with you? When you say you can't "change your personality" what are you actually referring to?


OP fscom May 12 2011, 03:44:56 UTC
Honestly, my parents are the type of people who can start arguments about anything. But this particular one brought up a lot of crap about what they think of me ( ... )


Re: OP yarking May 12 2011, 05:54:12 UTC

Your parents are fuckers.

Just thought I should mention it, because sometime it helps for it to be legitimized by outside source, or you might get "only sane man" syndrome. You don't deserve that bullshit, and they just jelly you're going to end up more successful than they are.

(Although, please keep in mind if your sister is happy with her one friend, that is perfectly healthy. Not saying you should be the one to drop everything and drive her someplace. Getting a license and a job is her responsibility if she has the means and ability to do so.)


Re: OP fscom May 12 2011, 06:41:31 UTC
Oh. My. God. OP I am so SO sorry. I can sympathize so much with what you've said. I'm glad you are able to get out and for what it's worth I think you have the power to succeed.


fscom May 12 2011, 01:20:31 UTC
Nearly every pop song is a rip off in some way, why is that a big deal?


bleed_peroxide May 12 2011, 01:23:26 UTC
If it helps you, then I think the song did what Lady Gaga intended it to do. It's meant (or, at least, I viewed it as being intended) to encourage people accept themselves precisely as they are.


childings May 12 2011, 01:42:22 UTC
Which is bad if "accepting yourself as you are" includes accepting negative personality traits that can and should be changed. That's why I don't feel like I'm getting the whole story with this secret

"It doesn't matter that I'm a condescending asshole to everyone at work, Lady Gaga thinks I'm great just the way I am!"


mount_fraught May 12 2011, 05:31:30 UTC
this is the big problem with "born this way"
i adore gaga and i like the message she's sending with the song, but logically some people are just born with issues that they should work at overcoming. nobody's perfect :/ you may have been born this way but you have to adapt at least a little to avoid hurting others


bleed_peroxide May 12 2011, 11:07:58 UTC
Well, no, I'm not saying that you should be a jackass simply because "baby, you were born this way". That would be a foolish way to justify behaving like that.

I don't know, I took it to mean that the parents were criticizing the child for things that aren't bad or negative, but simply things that the parents don't agree with (such as religious leanings, choices in clothing, et cetera). Then again, I read this secret through the filter of my own experiences, since I have very religious parents that pretty much disagree with everything I do. I took the parental disagreement as something that's not necessarily the fault of the OP.



fscom May 12 2011, 13:11:19 UTC
So, could you explain why you immediately jumped to the idea that the OP likely did something wrong? Do you believe that only people with negative traits enjoy this particular song?


mythc_writer May 12 2011, 07:53:10 UTC
I'm one of those that doesn't like this song. Nothing against the the song, it's not horrible by any means. I just fine it meh, plus I do think it's too obviously a "You should feel better" song...But seriously, if the song helps anybody, then it has more than enough reason to exist. I'm glad the song made you feel better.


OT (sorry OP) fscom May 12 2011, 22:08:15 UTC
As much as I like the song, I feel like the message of Born This Way would be more effective if she wasn't wearing 2 tons of make-up, fake cheekbones and fake shoulders in the music video.

Honestly, I laughed at the chorus. No, you weren't born this way. Your producer realized there was no way you would make it as a rock singer and gave you an army of stylists that made you that way.


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