I'm doing this early so the Round doesn't run into the Holidays.
That way I can have winners uo hopefully before the 25th next month.
Round Nine will run from Nov. 25th to Dec. 15th. 2011.
Sign-Ups will remain open through the round.
Note: Since we didn't have that many entries last round I will give you guys two options. You can sign-up for a single fandom like always. Or you can sign-up for general fandom, which means you can do the icons for multiple fandoms.
First Choice: General Fandom.
Second Choice: Supernatural.
Username: not a link.
First Choice:
Second Choice: *if doing general fandom, 2nd choice is not needed.
Theme Ideas: Optional.
tardis_mafiaGeneral Fandom02
_becca84_General Fandom03
ibinitchGeneral Fandom04
darkpalaceGeneral Fandom05
rorylieGeneral Fandom06
lover_of_narniaGeneral Fandom07
cryptictvThe Walking Dead09
aimmyarrowshighGeneral Fandom10
creative_candyGeneral Fandom11
bangel_4eBuffy TVS12
dani0110General Fandom14
sarina87General Fandom15
ciaimpalaGeneral Fandom16
princess_loserGeneral Fandom17