[Fanfiction] Song and Dance & Life of the Ship, by callieach

Nov 04, 2009 01:03

Title: Song and Dance
Author: callieach
Fandom: Star Trek TOS
Characters/Pairing: Christine Chapel/Spock
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: After a while, this song and dance gets old, though it's the only one she knows that does.
Disclaimer: No way, no how.
Note: For tv_100, prompt #116, "forget." Sort of tongue-in-cheek about Christine's shitty luck with Spock, romance wise.

After a while, this song and dance gets old, though it's the only one she knows that does: something goes wrong and he says all the right things.

And then he forgets.

"Nurse Chapel?"

Yesterday, you called me Christine.

"Yes, Mr. Spock?"

"As Doctor McCoy tends to find himself constantly engaged, I request your assistance in the examination of this sample." The sample from himself, of course, of that thing that changed him. She doesn't want to be reminded that he was not under his own influence.

Nevertheless, she smiles sweetly at him.

"Of course." I have always loved you.

Title: Life of the Ship
Author: callieach
Fandom: Star Trek xi
Characters: Christine Chapel, Leonard McCoy
Rating: PG
Word Count: 243
Disclaimer: No way, no how.
Note: Convincing nurse_cchapel to stop sulking and cooperate, even if just because my_god_man needs her.

It's not so much an echo that follows her down the empty hall. More of a reverberation.

Skin against boot. Boot walking the floor. Floor humming with the life of the ship.

She was a nurse, not an engineer. It's not a love for the technology or the thrill of being in space that tingles her nerves and makes her heart race. It's the ship, the crew. She knows these people and cares for them and as far as she knows, it's reciprocated.

But then Sickbay doors open on a minor crisis, causing the sound of her boots and the ship to disappear.

"Get me that goddamn hypospray."

Twelve months on that cursed outpost and, gosh, she missed this place.

Chapel intercepts a nurse en route to McCoy: "I've got it." A second nurse steps out of the way as she takes up her position opposite the patient's biobed. She hands over the hypospray with a crisp recitation of its name.

Patient or no, the two share a grin. Chief Medical Officer and Head Nurse. Just like old times, before the stupid reassignments.

And then they're back in the moment, doing what they do best. An image of medical professionalism.

Later, when it's just the two of them and the hum of the Enterprise, she'll pull him into a hug and he'll kiss her forehead.

"Thank goodness you're back, Christine. No one else was half as competent."

"Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that."

fandom: star trek, *callieach, character: christine chapel, pairing: chapel/spock, character: leonard mccoy, medium: fanfiction

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