intermediary Dorm Listings

Sep 07, 2005 11:20

Just don't say I don't give you information. Ingrates.

First Floor

101 apocalypsesoon
107 last_worde
107 otto_chriek
109 otto_chriek (Dark Room)
147 equalsmcsquared

Second Floor

209 julian_lawless
215 aka_vala
215 pyramid_is_life
227 bridge_carson
227 rockbell_
229 alchemist_bean
229 make_it_ashes
231 caroline_todd
234/236 mparker16

Third Floor

302 bluemanoncampus
304 call_me_red_ac
304 sydney_bristow_
305 rory__gilmore
305 theboobs_summer
306 _notanumber
306 time_agent
307 bloody_rockgod
307 thehurleyabides
308 kinneybrian
308 taylorjustin
314 janet_fraiser
314 redginny
315 smallfry_
315 rosefern_todd
318 teen_twin
318 teenaged_twin
329 pure_blooddraco
329 b_someone

Fourth Flour

402 of_debussy
405 emo_padawan
405 m_samuelle
408 demonbelthazor
408 wannabelawyer

Fifth Floor

501 deadlikegeorge
501 lookatmyhooves
501 deadlikegeorge
501 lookatmyhooves
503 lizzy_turner
503 miss_thomasina

Sixth Floor

603 02maxwell
603 ihatedenmark
666 the_envious_sin
666 priestly_purple
666 yuuko_sama


Tower Room principalconnor

_notanumber 306
02maxwell 603
aka_vala 215
alchemist_bean 229
apocalypsesoon 101
b_someone 329
bloody_rockgod 307
bluemanoncampus 302
bridge_carson 227
call_me_red_ac 304
caroline_todd 231
deadlikegeorge 501
deadlikegeorge 501
demonbelthazor 408
emo_padawan 405
equalsmcsquared 147
ihatedenmark 603
janet_fraiser 314
julian_lawless 209
kinneybrian 308
last_worde 107
lizzy_turner 503
lookatmyhooves 501
lookatmyhooves 501
m_samuelle 405
make_it_ashes 229
miss_thomasina 503
mparker16 234/236
of_debussy 402
otto_chriek 107
otto_chriek (Dark Room) 109
priestly_purple 666
principalconnor Tower Room
pure_blooddraco 329
pyramid_is_life 215
redginny 314
rockbell_ 227
rory__gilmore 305
rosefern_todd 315
smallfry_ 315
sydney_bristow_ 304
taylorjustin 308
teen_twin 318
teenaged_twin 318
the_envious_sin 666
theboobs_summer 305
thehurleyabides 307
time_agent 306
wannabelawyer 408
yuuko_sama 666

OOC I have no bloody idea what going on with quotes in the usernames, I'll tidy it up for the next list.

ETA OOC Well that's bloody crap. I'm cleaning it up now.
ETA Done
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