From the lobby to the second floor: Tuesday afternoon

Dec 20, 2006 07:35

Jack was getting completely sick of being pied.

He'd had more showers today than anyone should ever have, and he was running out of clothes.

Once more showered and changed, he was just venturing outside when a veritable squall of pies descended upon him. Fruit pies, cream pies, chocolate pies -- a plethora of pies, falling from the sky, and coating him from head to toe in crust and filling.

It eventually died away, leaving Jack standing there, dripping with pie, a curve of pie crust hanging off one ear. "Fine." He shook himself vigorously, slicked a hand through his hair, smooshing pie into it, and wiped his face. "Fine!" he yelled at the sky. "If that's the way you want it."

No, he didn't know who he was talking to, but he had some vague notion he might have angered the pie gods.

Grumbling under his breath, he started stripping out of his clothes. When he was completely naked, the pie gods chose that moment to follow up with a brief lemon meringue flurry.

Now not quite completely naked, he stalked back into the dorms, heading for his room.

[ooc: Open to anyone. Jack's naked, but there's sufficient pie coating him to preserve anyone's modesty...anyone else's modesty, that is. He doesn't have any. I've been awake since 3 am and my brain's mooshy, so I might be a bit slow.]

lana lang, m parker, will vandom, alec, sam carter, the doctor (ninth), 1st floor lobby

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