3rd Floor Common Room, 6/9, Friday Morning (Earlyish)

Jun 08, 2006 22:09

Tempe tossed and turned on the couch as she slept fitfully. To any passersby, it would appear that she was in some form of distress. Her arms were flailing and her sleepy voice could be heard saying, "No! No! Don't hurt the kitties! Don't hurt the weetiny kitties!"

Her empty pineapple juice glass sat on the floor, her puzzle sat on the coffee table. It was evident she'd finally given up finishing the puzzle last night, and had crawled onto the couch with a blanket to get some sleep.

"No! Not the weetiny--"

A loud meow right next to her ear jolted her out of her sleep. "Kitty?" she said sleepily.

The weetiny grey kitten with soulful brown eyes crawled onto her chest, and proceeded to bat her chin with one of its weetiny paws.

"Where'd you come from?" Tempe said, sitting up slightly on the couch and scooping the kitten into her hands. The kitten just stared back, looking cute. "Guess you're not a talking cat like Faithful then, huh?"

She lay back down, settling into the pillows and cradling the weetiny kitty close. The kitty clung to her like a clinging thing. She grinned.

She closed her eyes and prepared to go back to sleep. She felt another weight settle on her chest. She opened her eyes to see a golden-colored kitten curled up next to the grey one, its blue eyes shining brightly.

Again, she grinned, then yawned, and fell back to sleep.

As such, she didn't see the small army of weetiny kitties making their way into the room and settling in various places around her. At her feet, on her feet, on her head...

[OOC: Open for interaction, of course.]

3rd floor common room, temperance brennan

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