Main Campfire Area --- Early Wednesday Morning

May 31, 2006 07:35

Gwynn had gotten up very early and slipped quietly from Squirrel cabin, hoping that she didn't wake any of her friends and cabinmates up in the process. She had never been one to sleep late unless she had stayed up late and she did enjoy being outside when it was still dark and watching the sun rise.

She made her way to the main campfire area and sat comfortably on one of the picnic tables and faced East. She had a few minutes before the sun even thought about rising, so she let her mind wander as she looked around her.

She couldn't believe that she had been in this strange and somehow wonderful place for an entire cycle of the moon. She had been positive that she would want to go back home after only a handful of days. Of course, that had been before she had started making friends --- and had met Tim.

Thinking of Tim made her realize that she should probably write to Phillip and tell him about things here before Froderick told him. She wouldn't put it past Froderick to tell Phillip that she was betrothed to Tim just to see if he could get a rise out of him. She shook her head and ran a hand through her hair. Froderick was her best friend, but sometimes he acted like he had only the brains of one of the goats at the monastery. He would probably never admit that taunting their King was not the best thing to do --- even if he had been made a member of Phillip's cabinet.

Then again, the two of them seemed to enjoy tormenting her whenever they got the chance --- and she could only challenge Froderick for satisfaction as it was unseemly to challenge one's King to any kind of duel or contest.

The two of them were likely to show up here just to see what she was doing and see if they could frighten any of the young men that she spoke to away from her. They did seem to become a team whenever there was a male other than they in her immediate area.

Maybe she could convince her father not to tell Phillip and Froderick the location of the carriage to the school and she wouldn't have to think about them showing up? If not her father, then she could definitely enlist the aid of Will Scarlet to keep the two young men away from the school? Not even King Phillip would argue with Robin Hood and Will Scarlet... correct? Perhaps? Maybe?

Gwynn sighed and shook her head.

She could worry about all of those things later. Best to just enjoy her day.

[[OOC: Open for interaction]]

pippi longstocking, main campfire, gwynn hood, timothy desmond, peter pevensie

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