5th floor common room, morning

May 20, 2006 09:29

A challenge had been issued, and Willow did not shrink from a challenge. Peter had wanted to know what was special about Willow cookies, and the only way to do that was to make them ( Read more... )

draco malfoy, belthazor, xander harris, callisto, molly hayes, conner mcknight, tyler durden, pippi longstocking, 5th floor common room, sam carter, walter dornez, jaye tyler, willow rosenberg, nadia santos, alanna trebond, dean winchester

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Comments 751

psycho_barbie May 20 2006, 14:22:24 UTC
After checking the lower floors for signs of life, Callisto wandered into the common room. She waved to the redhead as she flopped down on the couch. "Morning."


willbedone May 20 2006, 14:26:53 UTC
"Morning," Willow said to the new person. "I'm Willow."


psycho_barbie May 20 2006, 14:33:18 UTC
Callisto frowned, Willow, Willow, there was something she was supposed to remember about a Willow. "Callisto," she said.


willbedone May 20 2006, 14:34:57 UTC
Willow blinked. "Callisto like Angel's skanky non-Buffy girlfriend Callisto?"

Willow clearly had no sense of self-preservation. This comes as a surprise to absolutely no one who's met her.


saltandammo May 20 2006, 14:25:59 UTC
Dean picked a direction at random that morning, and wandered upstairs. Seeing a familiar redhead in the fifth floor common room, he stopped there.

"Hey Willow."


willbedone May 20 2006, 14:27:21 UTC
"Hey, Dean!" Willow said. She held up a wooden spoon. "Want some cookie dough? I'm almost positive it's not teaming with salmonella."


saltandammo May 20 2006, 14:32:29 UTC
"Cookie dough? Sure, why not? I like living dangerously." He came over to get a better look at what she was doing. "You baking?


willbedone May 20 2006, 14:33:11 UTC
"Yep." Willow scooped some dough up on a plastic spoon and offered it to him. "Chocolate chip. I'm a girl on a mission."


carter_i_am May 20 2006, 14:38:04 UTC
Sam was on a mission to meet more new people, which involved leaving the second floor. Still, the common room was still the center of the universe. It was like a Fandom High rule of physics or something.

Plus, cookies. "Morning, all."


willbedone May 20 2006, 14:38:48 UTC
"Morning!" Willow said as she put a tray of cookies into the oven.


carter_i_am May 20 2006, 14:40:46 UTC
"What kind of cookies?" Sam asked, "oh, and I'm Sam Carter."


willbedone May 20 2006, 14:49:36 UTC
"Willow Rosenberg," she said. "Chocolate chip. That plate's for Peter, that one's for Joxer, but the rest can be nibbled on if you like."


pure_blooddraco May 20 2006, 15:15:02 UTC
Draco yawned as he entered the 5th floor common room. He decided to get out and meet people for once.

"Morning." he says, stifling another yawn. He then perks up when he sees cookie dough. "Cookies?"


willbedone May 20 2006, 15:16:36 UTC
"Cookies," Willow confirmed. She pointed to the non-Joxer and Peter plates. "Chocolate chip if you want some. I'm Willow."


pure_blooddraco May 20 2006, 15:21:38 UTC
"I'm Draco." he says. He took one of the larger cookies from the plate. "I assume, you're new?"


willbedone May 20 2006, 15:32:39 UTC
"Got here last week," Willow said. "I guess you're not so new?"


bruiser_in_pink May 20 2006, 15:36:45 UTC
It was a little bit later in the morning, but still morning, when Molly came out to the common room in search of something for breakfast.

"Mmmm, cookies. Cereal for breakfast is going to be such a letdown now." She grinned at Willow as she went to the cupboard to get her cereal.


willbedone May 20 2006, 15:40:33 UTC
"You could have cookies if you wanted," Willow said, indicating the plate that wasn't for Joxer or Peter. "I'm making a ton. Not literally, but there will be a lot."


bruiser_in_pink May 20 2006, 15:46:14 UTC
Molly eyed the plate of cookies and then her box of Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs, then the plate again. "I think I'll have just one," she said with a grin. Then she put a finger to her lips. "But, don't tell. I don't want to get a lecture on ruining my breakfast." It was obvious from her expression that she was well aware of the irony of this statement.


willbedone May 20 2006, 16:07:32 UTC
Willow mimed zipping her lips and throwing away the key. Then she mimed undoing that so she could say, "I'm Willow. I'm new."


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