2nd Floor Common Room Kitchen - Afternoon

May 17, 2006 13:21

Elizabeth was pretty much fed up of doing nothing.

She pulled out a folder of recipes, and having checked ingredients and *handwavily* buying what she was missing, she headed to the kitchen to hopefully not create a disaster.

isabel evans, sam carter, peter pevensie, willow rosenberg, 2nd floor common room, m parker, elizabeth weir, veruca cally, hamlet dane, samuel anders, paige matthews, bridge carson, buffy summers, jack harkness

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willbedone May 17 2006, 18:22:53 UTC
Not sure if Jamie might be doing another movie marathon, Willow went down to the 2nd floor common room.

She saw somebody trying to cook. "Oh. Um. Hi! Am I interrupting?"


notcalledlizzie May 17 2006, 18:24:23 UTC
Elizabeth turned around, and smiled at the unfamilar girl. "No, not at all. Hi. I'm Elizabeth."


willbedone May 17 2006, 18:25:51 UTC
"Willow," she said, pointing at herself. She folded her book against her chest and came over. "What are you making?"


notcalledlizzie May 17 2006, 18:38:11 UTC
"Pyraniki at the moment," Elizabeth said, turning back to add flour to her bowl. "They're spicy cookies."


willbedone May 17 2006, 18:49:23 UTC
"Want help?" Willow asked. "I make a pretty mean cookie. Well, actually I'm told they're very nice. They don't go around and terrorize the other baked goods or anything."


notcalledlizzie May 17 2006, 18:54:31 UTC
Elizabeth giggled. "Not terrorizing other baked goods is a good thing," she said, nodding. "I think I'm good for this batch; I just need to cut out the dough and put them in the oven now. But I'm bored enough to be baking for a bit longer if you're still interested in helping."


willbedone May 17 2006, 18:56:27 UTC
"Sure!" Willow said. "If you don't mind the company. I don't want to steal your baking thunder."


notcalledlizzie May 17 2006, 18:57:29 UTC
"No baking thunder, I promise you that," Elizabeth replied. "This is me attempting to stave off boredom, and I always welcome company."


willbedone May 17 2006, 19:23:37 UTC
"This is why I carry books," Willow said. "Well that and I like books and if I'm carrying them then I can read them and it's that much more of a guarantee that nobody else is touching them and cracking the binding."


notcalledlizzie May 17 2006, 19:29:22 UTC
"Carrying books is also good," Elizabeth nodded. "Except I think I'm a bit read out at the moment. Can't seem to concentrate really."


willbedone May 17 2006, 19:32:15 UTC
"Everything okay?" Willow asked. "You're not being harassed by frogs, are you?"


notcalledlizzie May 17 2006, 19:39:11 UTC
"Frogs?" Elizabeth asked curiously. "No, no frogs. Just too much time with nothing really to do."


willbedone May 17 2006, 19:41:24 UTC
"Oh," Willow said. "I get that. That's when I usually try to anticipate what my homework for next semester's going to be, and do it in advance."


notcalledlizzie May 17 2006, 19:48:54 UTC
"Unfortunately, I have no clue what I'm going to take next semester. I've been trying to read in Italian to increase my vocab, but, yeah. Concentration issues," Elizabeth said, shrugging slightly.


willbedone May 17 2006, 19:58:16 UTC
"Latin's fun," Willow suggested. "Plus has many uses when you're living on a Hel - um - so what kind of cookies are next?"


notcalledlizzie May 17 2006, 20:19:55 UTC
Elizabeth grinned. "Latinus est iocus, ita. Ego narro is iam," she said. She cast a second glance at Willow, but shrugged. "Not sure yet. Cally liked the look of Medyanki."

[[Latin is fun, yes. I speak it already. *massacres the language*]]


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