The Deck, Sunday Noon

Apr 23, 2017 18:20

A whole gaggle of kids had descended on Dante over the past day. Outside of not-really-serious gripes about how annoying they were, he was fine with it. More than fine, actually. When Janie had shown up too and started egging him on about the guitar sitting in the room, he'd known exactly what he was supposed to do. For a change.

A quick trip by Groovy Tunes later - he didn't think Starsmore was gonna ding him for this, he'd picked up a more kid-appropriate acoustic guitar and he'd gone through his limited repertoire in search of something kid-friendly. (It was mostly acoustic Green Day covers, a Fleetwood Mac track he'd tried his hands on, and at Janie's insistence, he'd pulled up some Aerosmith and Blondie tabs on his phone.)

It was sunny, Kate was hanging on a chair watching him play with rapt attention, and Janie was doodling at one of the tables, sometimes looking up to listen or call out suggestions. It was all right.

... and nobody was gonna notice if he swung in some Combichrist riffs or a Nine Inch Nails or Ministry bridge in here and there, as long as he didn't sing.

[[ open! ]]

dante, deck

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