The Garden, Sunday

Apr 16, 2017 20:20

"Shoo! Shoo- Ah! Get out of there!" Shiemi was too busy to notice the mainland had disappeared or even worry about why her phone and computer weren't working. THERE WERE GIANT HORNED RABBITS IN HER GARDEN!

And other things, too. She'd had to save two teal fawn from a drop bear attack earlier. They'd followed her and now THEY were in her garden and eating everything.

Shiemi had been preparing for regular rabbits, honest! It was spring, so of course she had been. There was mesh for fencing and all her borders were cleared of possible hiding places. And for the teal deer and other wildlife, she'd been planning a change in crop locations... But, but... THIS WAS NOT IN HER GARDEN NOTES!

"AH! Not the new trees! No. Ah! Nii-chan, stop him!!"

Though Shiemi really needn't have worried. A tentacle reached out and slapped angrily at the approaching creature long before she or her demon could help.

Shiemi stood blinking a moment (thereby allowing two baby jackalope access to the new lilacs). "Why is there an octopus in the tree?"


garden, sheimi moriyama

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