Dec 22, 2016 09:44
"Log Date, 8-22-2," Peridot said, holding up her little tape recorder from where she was laying on her back on the roof, staring up at the sky. "Fandom Island continues on with its random happenings, in the building lead-up to an event that Tony Stark has informed me is known to the humans of Earth as 'holiday,' and 'Christmas.' I haven't observed the small quadrupedal beings that appear to be running through the sky before, so I am led to believe that they, too, are connected to 'holiday...' unless the blue-green ruminants in the preserve have gone to spore and these small flying creatures are their larval form, in which case, I'll update my logs further when I manage to observe what today's actual random occurrence in the name of 'holiday' happens to be. Peridot, out."
Log recorded for the day, Peridot hit the stop button on her little tape recorder, smiled a bit to herself, and then settled back to watch the reindeer fly.
Yeah, Earth was a pretty okay place. She was glad it hadn't been blown up by a giant shattered-Gem abomination.
[OOC: Open roof is open!]