2nd Floor Common Room, Saturday Morning

Apr 02, 2016 17:32

Let's not go into detail about Lucille's reaction when she had woken up this morning. Let's just say she had been wondering at first whether this was a particularly strange nightmare. Waking up in a male body, and also discovering that she looked exactly like her brother, only about the same age as herself, had been, to say the least, disturbing.

Sha had managed to keep quiet, because she was good at that.

Then she discovered that she had nothing to wear, as her dresses didn't fit her (him? She was going to be confused about pronouns today), and the only thing that was wearable was a long dressing gown. She considered staying in her room, but eventually she got hungry, so she quietly snaked into the common room, hoping to be able to grab some breakfast before anyone noticing.

[open common room, of course]

2nd floor common room, lucille sharpe

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