Fourth Floor Common Room, Sunday Evening

Apr 20, 2014 21:56

Joker and Eleanor were not on a date. Dates were lovely, but dates were private affairs, not ones where they set up in the common room and tried to lure other people into joining the activity. (Which would be a little odd, since most date-related activities involved kissing, anyway.)

This was, rather, a Bad Movie Night. Joker had discovered Eleanor's dearth of knowledge about horrible movies, and was seeking rectify matters. There was popcorn, there were fizzy drinks, and there was a miniseries that Joker had promised was going to be nothing short of abominable on all possible fronts: ludicrous science, half-hearted acting, wooden characterization, paper-thin plot. Super-earthquakes were coming, from super-secret faults! And only nuclear bombs could save the day!!!

"Okay," Eleanor said, frowning at the TV as she waited for the miniseries to start. "I'm still not following you. If it's so awful, why are we watching this instead of something good?"

(Joker modded with permission. But this is emphatically not a date, and this room could not be more open; if you so much as stroll by, you can be dragged in and made to experience fake science at its worse. PLEASE, COME WATCH A TERRIBLE MINISERIES WITH JOKER AND ELEANOR.)

eleanor lamb, jeffrey ”joker” moreau, 4th floor common room

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