Cordelia was sitting at the StuCo table, glittery sign and all, and more than ready to take your money in exchange for ticket sales. Moreso, she was willing to try and talk you into putting her name in the
voting box for prom queen, because some things were just supposed to happen, okay.
She'd better not get glitter on her.
Dates to the dance are an acceptable conversation topic too.
Some people said hello. Jackson walked into the lobby, took a look at the glittery sign, and said that.
Said of course in a voice that said he'd better be voting for her.
"Didn't really have anyone else in mind."
Because he was profoundly terrible at being social and subsequently knew no one, but that was neither here nor there.
Yes she would.
Also maybe if she talked up how prepared she was, he'd get that he should be asking her to it.
"Well," he drawled, nodding, "it's good to believe in yourself."
She figured this was his cue, see.
Okay, he could cave this time.
But he was also going to act like it was a chore to ask her because this date thing should've just sort of happened. "Would you like to go to the prom with me?"
Seriously, he'd been cutting it close.
At least he refrained from rolling his eyes. "I'll pick you up on Saturday." A beat, and he added dryly, "Wear something pretty."
See, that was a joke, because she always did and didn't need to be told.
They wouldn't if you dashed them like that, Cordelia.
"Buying tickets?"
[Just about to head out for Cap 2!]
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