1st Floor Rec Room, Saturday Night

Jan 18, 2014 20:55

Alana had woken up without her wings, leading her to panic about whether there might be some bizarre wing-stealing virus on the loose.

Then she'd gone online to research whether any such illness existed and gotten distracted reading websites about some kind of Earth demi-god called angels, who were apparently watching over her. (Huh?). She couldn' decide whether the idea was kind of sweet, or just straight-up icky.

Then she'd tried on a bunch of clothes she'd bought in Fandom but had been too lazy so far to alter wing holes into. And then she'd realized she was hungry, thought wistfully about pizza, sneezed, seen a flash of purple light, and -- whoops! She was in town. At the pizza place.

Fifteen minutes later, she was back at the dorm, with a large pepperoni pizza and absolutely no idea what was going on. But at least she had pizza. So that was nice. She turned on the big TV in the rec room and tried to lose herself in a movie about a brother and sister who were way, way, way too close.

[OOC: Open! Alana got Eleanor Lamb's teleportation.]

1st floor rec room, alana, cecil gershwin palmer

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