Third Floor Common Room, Thursday Evening

Nov 02, 2013 20:28

So, Kathy's grand plan to go trick-or-treating in the dorms to meet people had kind of been a bust, but an important discovery had been made nevertheless: Theo had never seen Mister What.

Not a single episode. Hadn't even heard of the show. On the eve of the fiftieth anniversary, even!

The very idea was shocking, but Kathy was there to make it right. She couldn't let her favorite wallflower buddy continue to wallow in cultural ignorance forever! So, she'd hooked up her laptop to the TV in the third floor common room, where she had every episode from the new run (and a bunch of the old) torrented TOTALLY LEGALLY OBTAINED on her external hard drive.

The amount of food she'd gotten from the Chinese place in town was ridiculous, but the delivery guy hadn't seemed too fussed about it and the price was about what she'd figured, so she just shrugged and hauled it up, spreading it on the counter. Hopefully the smell of General Tso's Chicken and the distinctive noise of Mister What's time and space machine would lure other people to coming around, too.

[For one, but totally open! Food and episodes completely moddable]

3rd floor common room, evan sabahnur, theo langstrom, katherine hana li

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