First Floor Rec Room, Friday Evening

Apr 05, 2013 16:59

So, Gert, being Gert, had had no interest in going to prom. As it happened, Gert, being a sophomore, had no permission to go to prom either, so that worked out well, but she maintained that it was the lack of interest that was the reason she wasn't there right now.

Anyway, even as sulky and inescapably turned-on as she was, she regarded this decision as a perfectly valid lifestyle choice, and so was the way she was currently hiding out in the rec room, playing some game that seemed like Tetris but with dragons and lasers. She'd never really been a video game person, and was even less of one after the whole Alex fiasco, but she needed to blow off some steam, and getting really loud and annoyed at a video game seemed like as good a way as any to do that.

1st floor rec room, sholeh zeela a zhahar, gertrude yorkes

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