In Front of the Dorms, Thursday Afternoon

Apr 04, 2013 10:09

So, between Karla's suggestion yesterday and radio this morning, Jack had worked out a business plan. It was a pretty simple one, so far as business plans went. After all, he hadn't ever really had much in the way of marketable skills in his lifetime. The plan went as such- First, there was the sign, written on a piece of scavenged cardboard with a dying Sharpie marker. And then there was the wastepaper basket, borrowed from a common room (sorry, fourth floor!) and half-buried in a mound of snow so that it wouldn't blow away.

The sign read, simply:

Feeling Hot? Localized Snowstorms - $5
Hugs From Jack Frost - $5 and Actually Believing in Jack

... With an arrow pointing to the basket, in case people didn't know where to put their money. He wasn't taking any chances here.

His little business all set up, Jack perched himself on a tree bough and waited.

[OOC: Open, but SP for work. I kind of had to.]

grounds, emily thorne, jack frost

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