Mar 31, 2012 17:57
Nights after dances, Chuck was getting way too used to not ending up in his own bed. He liked his roommate, but there were certain things he did not need to risk going into his room to witness.
He had learned from all that, just how uncomfortable the couches in this dorm were when you were as tall as he was. Really, really uncomfortable. After a few moves between couches during the night, he'd finally ended up on this one. Which still had him bent at an odd angle, but was somehow slightly better than the previous ones.
Mostly in that it actually allowed him to get some rest.
It was possibly the worst choice of couches to sleep on as far as placement went, but somehow he'd ended up there all the same.
[[ expecting a weetiny, and open becauuuse he is sleeping in the lobby like a dumbass. ]]
chuck bartowski,
1st floor lobby