First floor lobby- Friday night

Dec 09, 2011 21:49

Jaina told herself she'd claim one of the empty rooms tonight when she felt like getting some sleep, but let's face it. She wouldn't get any sleep at all even if she tried. So instead she camped herself out in the lobby, partly because she could see from where she was sitting what, if anything, was going on in what was left of outside, and partly because after years of being out of school (technically) taking over one of the common rooms felt weird.

She doubted the TV worked, and it wasn't like she had anything except a comm and phone that wouldn't work to distract her, so for the love of Pete, someone get down here and give her something to do that wasn't just trying not to think of what and who wasn't there anymore.

[Open if anyone's still around!]

jonothon evan starsmore, jack carter, jaina solo, 1st floor lobby

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