Nov 23, 2011 09:00
Today seemed to be a busy day for a lot of things, but Annie hoped people would show up for today's cooking extravaganza for tomorrow's Thanksgiving feast. When she wasn't in class, Annie was here, getting things set up or trying something from a recipe book. Cooking was easy, right? You just put stuff together according to directions. Nothing hard about that, and way easier when you weren't four.
Moddable ingredients and utensils and things were available for anyone who wanted to stop by and help!
[So open, and set so no one has to choose between this and reserves or the party. I may or may not be slow, so you'll just have to ping in and talk to each other too. *nods*]
annie edison,
elphaba thropp,
caroline forbes,
topher brink,
quinn fabray,
6th floor,
petra west,
rilla blythe