Salle, Tuesday Afternoon

Nov 22, 2011 15:10

Okay...after the trip home and what she and Raven had discovered about the disappearance of the island of Zuul--pardon, Zuulaman--Karla had some very complex emotions to work through. On the one hand, she was pretty certain that whatever was going on with other people's worlds was not at all related to what happened to Zuulaman. So, that was a plus. She didn't know what she would have done if Uncle Sae--if the High Lord had somehow been responsible for Priestly and Valentine and Jak and Dujae and whoever else had gone missing. On the other hand, now she had no ideas or clues or anything else to go on. Her tangled web hadn't been particularly helpful, her dreams remained vague and unsettling, no one seemed to know what to do and her one lead had fizzled out completely.

So, yeah. Stick practice. A lot of it. Even if it didn't actually help her sort out her problems, she could practice until she was ready to drop. That should make for a few hours at least when she wasn't fretting over something she couldn't change. She threw herself into the forms Lucivar had drilled into her, moving from one to the other, faster and faster until she could get them flawless.

She was going to be here for awhile.

[Expecting one, but open!]

surreal sadiablo, salle, ben skywalker, karla, warren worthington iii

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