Around the dorms [Sunday morning]

Nov 20, 2011 14:03

Half to give Ender some time to process Val's disappearance and half because it was a good idea, Ben was putting up hand-written posters on various bulletin boards:

Relatives and/or friends back home gone missing? Leave your information here, or contact Ben (555- LGCY or Ender (555- ENDR)They didn't have the first idea of what was happening, but ( Read more... )

ben skywalker, dana scully, karla, quinn fabray, wesley wyndam-pryce

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glacial_witch November 20 2011, 20:53:22 UTC
Karla had been doing some follow-ups on her own. "I don't necessarily have names, but I have universes affected," she said quietly. "Dinah, Momoko, and Priestly all have people missing. And--not just people. Places. Like, buildings and countries and whatnot. People are missing from Jono's world, too. The never-existed kind of missing."

As opposed to the usual kind of missing that people usually underwent in Jono's world.


momslilassassin November 20 2011, 21:59:39 UTC
"Countries?" Ben repeated, blinking rapidly.


glacial_witch November 20 2011, 22:09:45 UTC
"Priestly told Momoko that the Japan in his world has vanished," Karla reported. That had taken Karla awhile to comprehend. "Maps just have blank spaces where they used to be. No one's heard of them. Momoko's got whole streets and parks buildings missing. And no one but her had ever remembered otherwise."


momslilassassin November 20 2011, 22:40:08 UTC
"That's really...disconcerting," Ben said, falling back on Wesley's word. "Val's gone too," he added quietly.

Which would explain the posters a bit.


glacial_witch November 20 2011, 23:12:17 UTC
"Oh shit."

Not the most helpful thing to say, but what else was there? Especially since Karla didn't have anything that could help.

"Better to leave him alone for today?" she asked. "Not in the mood for visitors?"

She didn't think Ender would be up for sharing his pain with many people. Or any. Maybe Ben.


momslilassassin November 21 2011, 01:27:34 UTC
"Yeah, he's gone quiet," Ben said. "I'm giving him some time to himself."


glacial_witch November 22 2011, 02:55:01 UTC
"Probably for the best," Karla agreed. As if Ben didn't know him so much better. "You'll let me know if there's anything I can do, right?"

Odds of that being true were about 100 to 1, but she couldn't not offer.


momslilassassin November 22 2011, 03:10:01 UTC
"I will," Ben promised. "Right now he's packing on about sixteen tons of 'I'm totally fine' emotional armor, which is complete kuso, but if that's what he needs right now, I'll let him do it."


glacial_witch November 22 2011, 05:07:50 UTC
"If that's what it takes to get him through," Karla murmured. "He'll feel better working than falling apart. And once we get everyone back--"

Which they would, dammit, they would

"--Yeah. He'll be fine. They both will."


momslilassassin November 22 2011, 17:16:49 UTC
Ben looked slightly less than convinced but he nodded anyway. "He just needs a little time to himself," he said. "Force forbid anyone see he has emotions and all that."


glacial_witch November 22 2011, 17:57:25 UTC
You stop raining on Karla's parade, Ben, or she would hit you.

"Well, it's not like he could show them to anyone before," she pointed out. "You know what Battle School was like for him. Being alone is probably the only time he can--" She broke off when she realized she was lecturing Ben on stuff her already knew and probably better than she did.

"So, Raven and I saw how fast it happened yesterday," she said, changing the subject entirely. "We were talking about someone else and with one breath, the kid we were talking to knew her and by the next, he'd never heard of her at all."


momslilassassin November 22 2011, 18:39:31 UTC
Ben had a tiny smile on his face because, yes, he had a passing familiarity with how Ender's mind worked before Karla got to what she and Raven had experienced. "Where did that happen?" he asked. "On the island?"


glacial_witch November 22 2011, 19:06:52 UTC
She shook her head. "We went back to the mansion," she said. "He'd left all of his stuff in storage--his guitar, Didi's last letter, a completely ridiculous looking hat." That last got an amused glance directed Ben's way for a moment. "Stuff like that. We asked out guide to let a few people know that Jono was safe with us and he agreed to carry the message--only to turn around a heartbeat later to to ask us who we were talking about, because he'd never heard of her."


momslilassassin November 22 2011, 19:51:29 UTC
"That's creepy," Ben admitted. "I didn't get the specifics from Ender about Val, but I'm betting it was about that quick, too. He's been on the phone all weekend."


glacial_witch November 22 2011, 20:00:33 UTC
"So whatever this is can vanish someone's whole life in seconds, as well as devouring whole swathes of land and property, leaving no one the wiser."

This wasn't nightmare fuel at all.

"I've got to get home and see what I can dig up on Zuul."


momslilassassin November 22 2011, 20:06:34 UTC
"What's Zuul?" Ben asked, frowning hard.

Please let it be something he could hit.


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