Second Floor Common Room, Thursday Evening

Sep 01, 2011 18:21

The TV was on, tuned to Fox Soccer more at random than anything; Gabrielle didn't really care much what was on, since the names of players and drama over whether someone might be transferring from the EPL to Serie A meant nothing to her; she mostly cared about having the background noise while she cooked up a huge batch of bacon. (The smell was comforting. She liked it.) And some eggs, and there was bread warming in the oven, and if there were any rules about breakfast at dinnertime she would just flout them now and apologize later if she absolutely had to.

The TV wasn't turned down so low that she could ignore that MagicJack commercial when it came on for the fiftieth time in the past hour, though.

"With all the money you're saving using that thing, can I get a cut of it every time I have to hear this again?!?"

[OOC: I sincerely hope you have never actually had this experience like I have. Common room is open, though!]

2nd floor common room, gabrielle

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