Roof | Afternoon | Saturday | July 16

Jul 16, 2011 10:15

It felt like a long time since Nathan had made it up to the roof. He'd taken to smoking in his room, smoking on the way to class or even smoking outside the bar but the roof had been ignored until today. It was a nice enough day, not too rainy like it had been bloody Japan and not hot enough to give him a fucking sunburn so it was the perfect day to pollute the air.

Nathan had lit his cigarette before the door to the roof had been shut behind him and was nearly halfway through it when he hopped up to sit on the roof's ledge so he could look out across the small, strange island. For a second, he thought about jumping just to give people a right scare on a quiet afternoon but the thought of all that pain put him off.

Maybe he'd jump tomorrow. Hell, maybe he'd even land on his feet. That'd be fucking swell.

[Roof's an open place. Yay distractions.]

caroline forbes, stan marsh, roof, ramona flowers, nathan young

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