3rd Floor Common Room | Wednesday Evening

Jul 13, 2011 18:44

Cassel had been taking the shy outcast persona he took on at the picnic a little too seriously for his own taste. Sure, it kept people from asking questions but it did get kind of boring after a while. So when the boredom got too much to handle, Cassel decided to spend some time in his floor's common room ( Read more... )

3rd floor common room, topher brink, ariel, cassel sharpe

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dollpocalypse July 13 2011, 23:24:23 UTC
Chips and cop movies. Topher's favorites. Except not so much on the cop movies, but -- chips!

He flopped down on the couch next to Cassel. "Hey, dude," he said, reaching over to try to take some of his neighbor's chips right from the bag.

...Sorry, Cassel.


cursedconman July 13 2011, 23:31:39 UTC
Cassel had two older brothers, so he was used to jackass moves like that. Didn't mean he had to take it though.

"Hey," Cassel said, jerking the bag away. "You ever heard of asking, dude?"


dollpocalypse July 13 2011, 23:34:01 UTC
...No, Cassel. No, he had not.

"Thought about it," Topher said, kicking his feet up on the table in front of him. "Figured it'd be best to go with the element of surprise."


cursedconman July 13 2011, 23:43:10 UTC
"Well it's not gonna work for you this time," he said, guarding the bag of chips now. "Sucks to be you."

The chips weren't all that good but it was the principle of the thing.


dollpocalypse July 13 2011, 23:45:57 UTC
"Oh, come on, man," he implored. Be careful, Cassel, he was about one step away from taking his shoes off. "Don't be like that..."


cursedconman July 13 2011, 23:47:15 UTC
"Why would I reward bad behavior?" Cassel asked, lifting an eyebrow. "You won't learn anything."


dollpocalypse July 13 2011, 23:49:46 UTC
Oh! Oh, he totally had bribe material.

Topher held up one finger, then began rummaging through his pockets. Eventually he came up with fifty cents in dimes and nickels, a Los Angeles parking lot ticket stub, and a lens from a pair of sunglasses. Eek. Whatever, that wouldn't stop him.

"Trade ya?"


cursedconman July 13 2011, 23:55:12 UTC
Cassel looked down at the look (and made a note of where the ticket stub was from) before look back up at Topher. "I'll just take the change."


dollpocalypse July 13 2011, 23:57:21 UTC
Topher cocked his head, considered the walk from the couch to the pantry to get a bag of his own, then squinted at the bag.

"What flavor is it?"


cursedconman July 14 2011, 00:05:57 UTC
Cassel had to look at the bag to check. Showed just how little he cared about the chips. "Barbecue."


dollpocalypse July 14 2011, 00:08:45 UTC

He didn't even have to think about it. Barbecue chips were Topher's all-time favorite food ever.

Congratulations, Cassel, you were now the proud owner of fifty cents.


cursedconman July 14 2011, 00:21:45 UTC
"Nice working with you," Cassel said, handing over the bag. "Enjoy your chips."


dollpocalypse July 14 2011, 00:22:58 UTC
"Sweet," Topher pronounced. Then proceeded to shove a handful into his mouth.

Manners weren't always his thing.

"So," he said with his mouth half-full, "whatcha watchin'?"


cursedconman July 14 2011, 00:31:14 UTC
"Some crime thriller," Cassel said, wiping his gloves off on his pants. "The hooker helping the cops did it."

Well. He didn't know that for sure, but he prided himself on being able to solve these things quickly.


dollpocalypse July 14 2011, 00:35:05 UTC
There was a hooker in this? Yeech. But then again, movie!

"Yeah? How can you tell?"


cursedconman July 14 2011, 00:45:56 UTC
"Because she's being too helpful," Cassel explained. "She's also getting too close to the attractive cop, trying to figure out what he knows so she can adjust her story to make herself look innocent."


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