A trip to Japan might not have ended in some wacky adventures on a normal day, with people who weren't from Fandom or inclined to getting roped into insanity. It might have just ended with some sore feet from walking around and bad souvenirs being purchased.
But that was not to be for the group who had just returned from their little visit. Stan wearing very different
clothing than he'd started with, Butters in what appeared to be a maid's outfit and some kitty ears, Toby missing a shoe and his shirt, Jim having some skillfully applied Kabuki make up on and Sam with a glittery eyepatch.
"You know, I've learned something today," Stan said, arms crossed over his chest. "The future may seem pretty cool with all the robots and cyborgs running around. But I've learned that they're just the same douches that have always been around. No one is better because they live in some fruity little cyber-punk world where people ask you what you'd do if you saw a turtle in the middle of the road. And just because you have the technology to heat Pop Tarts instantaneous in someone's chest cavity and create holographic images of sexual fetishs that no one needed to know existed, that doesn't mean you should. Because it's just freakin' weird and everything should be taken in moderation. Besides, it's just going to bite us in the ass in about ten years."
A beat.
"So let's never do this again. Ever. Ever."
Yes. That was a good moral, Stan.
[[For the guys with him, but open like a public place!]]