Magic Reserves, The Preserve, Wednesday After Classes

Feb 09, 2011 13:12

Karla had been surprised how easy it was to catch the little naked baby-things. Apparently, you only needed to stand outside with someone for a little while before attracting a horde to come and shoot arrows at you. After several near-misses, the leaders of the Magic Reserve had a number of them and a few ideas for today's meeting.

"Kiss kiss," Karla said, jerking her thumb back at her shield, where the naked baby-things were milling about and pointing at the members of the reserves. They seemed quite good-natured about their captivity. "Today's activity is two-fold. The first thing we're going to do today is practice shielding. People are going to pair up and run from one side of the field to the other, trying to keep themselves and their partner from getting hit by an arrow, either by magic, ingenuity, or both. If you do get hit, the arrow won't hurt; instead, you'll find yourself madly in love for a few minutes, but it wears off quickly and we won't let you do anything stupid. That's a promise." Karla's mouth twisted a little. She really didn't like love potions, but at least with these little guys flying around, they'd all know what was wrong and why. "Which brings us to the second half of our meeting: dealing with friends when Fandom's whimsy affects their minds."

"It is probably best to make sure they are somewhere safe," Dolf tried. He was mostly lurking near Karla in hopes that that would help him stay out of the arrows' range. He was not fond of arrows. "Though sometimes that isn't possible. In that case you should probably keep them busy before they do something bad. This might sometimes be hard, so it is probably a good idea to talk about it, and to keep it in our heads at all times."

It wasn't strictly cowering what he was doing.

Tara wasn't cowering either, but the cupids got an askance look.

"And don't tease them about it, if they're sensitive," she suggested. "I get that it's tempting, but sometimes people just don't want to be reminded. Ever. I know it's tempting to film things, but I seriously think that's probably bad karma."

Even if it wasn't bad karma, it was still rude. Hilarious, but rude.

"Most of the time, people who are affected by Fandom don't try to do anything really crazy," Karla continued, "but people's feelings can be hurt or strain can be put on relationships and whatnot. An important thing to keep in mind is that those affected really aren't themselves and can't help it. Talking about things--either before or after an incident--may be very helpful, too. Open and honest communication usually is."

Glancing up at the shielded creatures, Karla nodded at the assembled members. "All right! Pair up and get ready to run!"

[Co-written with life_inshadow and swordsandsoccer. OCD coming up]

zack fair, cally, stephanie brown, magic reserves, rudolf wega, leda, kennedy, karla, tara maclay

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