Reserves: Danger Shop, Tuesday After Classes

Feb 01, 2011 18:05

The Reserves had been handwavily notified to meet in the Danger Shop again today, and to wear warm clothes. When they arrived, they'd find the area set up to look exactly like their usual meeting area behind the dorms, right down to the coffee, hot chocolate, and snacks (except those were real).

"So we thought we'd do a little exercise in navigating in really bad visual conditions today," Kennedy announced, chucking a thumb back at the area behind her. There was a large, brightly-colored archery target set up on a table at one end of the clearing, and eight stations well stocked with a moddable array of ranged weapons, or snowballs if you really wanted to go that way, scattered at various distances across the clearing.

Any resemblance to a series of snow forts was purely coincidental, of course.

"It's gonna be snowing really hard when you guys go through the course, but what you're gonna do is work your way backwards through these stations. You've got three chances at hitting the target from each one, then you have to head to the next one. Bonus points if you do it in five minutes or less; hit the target at least once from each station and I'll buy you lunch sometime."

And who didn't want a free lunch? Really now people.

"While you run the course, we will be AMERICAN GLADIATORS adding to the challenge by trying to hit you with snowballs or whatever else we have on hand," Maladicta added. "In case you thought it might be a little to easy."

"Careful," Zack added lightly, smiling at the group at large. "We've got pretty good throwing arms!"

[Open, if a little late!]

zack fair, maladicta, kennedy

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