Girls with Guns Meeting. The Shooting Range, Wednesday Afternoon.

Sep 29, 2010 10:23

Triela spoke in low tones with Makita as people trickled in for the club. Once it was time to begin, she turned and spoke up.

"Welcome to Girls With Guns." She paused and smiled just a bit. "If you've been here before, welcome back. Most of you probably know me, but for those who don't, I'm Triela. I'm one of the people responsible for making sure none of you shoot anything you're not supposed to shoot." She paused and glanced over at Makita, inviting her to introduce herself.

Makita seemed rather relaxed and at-ease as she smiled at the gathered students. "I'm Makita," she said. "For those of you that don't already know me, I learned how to shoot just after I learned to walk, and I've been a member of the Nokgorkan Resistance Militia for over three years. If it has a trigger, I know how to use it."

"And I've worked in counter-terrorism for about six years now," Triela added. "What this means is that we know what we're talking about. If we tell you to do something? You better do it. Oh, and if you haven't met her, you should get to know our adviser." She offered Kerrigan a nod.

"There's a few rules you need to know before you even think about picking up a gun, regardless of your skill level," she continued, pointing at a large sign that was posted on both sides of the door. "The foremost one is to always treat every gun as if it is loaded. If I see anyone waving around a gun and making shooting noises, you're gone. Firearms are beautiful, wonderful creations, but they are not toys."

Triela's eyes narrowed at that, and she nodded. "What she said. Firearms are deadly by design, so don't even think about screwing around. And if you're new to guns and aren't sure what to do? That's what we're here for. Ask, don't just guess and hope you get things right."

"So to start, I want to hear what experience you've had with guns, and what your favorite is, if you have one. Just so that we know where everyone is starting from," Makita stated. "For instance, my babies--" and she pulled out her unloaded guns from their holsters, "--are Twined Model 79 Samsonov protocol machine pistols, with under slung G-79 protocol grenade launchers, and triple protoclips. Which basically means I can empty my clips three times before needing to reload either manually or with a new protocol. The reason I love the Samsonovs are two-fold. One, these were a gift from my father, and two, they're light and easy to maintain. When you're on the go a lot, those are important qualities in a firearm."

"OK, then who's next?"

triela, shooting range, girls with guns, makita

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