The Deck, Wednesday After Classes

Sep 29, 2010 07:02

Tara was in a good mood as the reserves gathered this afternoon, if one tinged with the slightest edge of nervous mania. Kennedy had told her just that morning that Constance was coming for the weekend. Constance the Watcher, who was going to want to meet Tara, and probably judge absolutely everything about her, and was there time for Tara to dye ( Read more... )

magic reserves, karla, ino yamanaka, rudolf wega, raven, tara maclay

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Talk to the Leaders [9/29] life_inshadow September 29 2010, 11:05:05 UTC
Who seem to have a lot to say on the matter.


Re: Talk to the Leaders [9/29] swordsandsoccer September 29 2010, 11:19:50 UTC
Dolf certainly did, considering the amount of time he'd spent lecturing people (and nearly getting burned at the stake for it) less than a month previous. Which didn't mean he didn't see the point of keeping quiet on some scores, but really-- it didn't seem necessary here. Pointless, even.

Mulling that, he stood there with his hands in his pockets, looking defiant in the face of his own memories of people long gone.

Yes, he had Opinions. God help them all.


Re: Talk to the Leaders [9/29] daventryprince September 29 2010, 13:33:45 UTC
See, Alexander did have a reason not to skip out on the reserves. He had an impressive box of books to deliver to Dolf.

Impressive, that was, until you actually looked at them.

"Quite a selection of them today," he explained. "I had a bit of trouble choosing."


Re: Talk to the Leaders [9/29] swordsandsoccer September 29 2010, 13:36:10 UTC
"...That is a lot of books," Dolf agreed. His brow scrunched up in a frown. A lot of books, a lot of words-- but that was what he needed, right? To keep learning? He stepped closer to the box. "Your favourite?"


Re: Talk to the Leaders [9/29] daventryprince September 29 2010, 13:51:05 UTC
"Out of these ones?" Alexander asked. "I haven't read all of them quite yet, but I was rather fond of this one. It is full of a great deal of intrigue, and the title prince's stubbornness against his mother's wishes to marry him off are all to familiar to my own sister's views on the institution."

Which wasn't at all weird, Alexander, thinking of your sister with romance novels, really.


Re: Talk to the Leaders [9/29] swordsandsoccer September 29 2010, 13:54:39 UTC
Dolf paused and simply looked at the book Alexander was holding for a minute.

He pulled a face. "That... looks like a thing from my mom's closet," he said. Then reached for it any way. "Like a-- a Bouquetreeks." Oh god, what had he gotten himself into?


Re: Talk to the Leaders [9/29] daventryprince September 29 2010, 14:06:34 UTC
"A what?" asked Alexander. "I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that word. But..."

Alexander could certainly decipher that face, yes. "They're amazingly deceptive. They do not look like much, I know. In fact, I was tempted to veer far from them myself, but the adage holds true. One must not judge a book by its cover."

By its torrid, shirt-ripping, shining muscled cover...


Re: Talk to the Leaders [9/29] swordsandsoccer September 29 2010, 14:09:15 UTC
The face Dolf was pulling at the cover was even less convinced after that one, thank you, Alexander. "They're for girls," he said. "For moms," he corrected, himself. "Are you sure it's good? Because my mom's Bouquetreeks books aren't."


Re: Talk to the Leaders [9/29] daventryprince September 29 2010, 14:25:15 UTC
There was a slight pause as Alexander considered Dolf's objections.

"So," he asked, "you've read those?"


Re: Talk to the Leaders [9/29] swordsandsoccer September 29 2010, 14:28:30 UTC
"...Well, no..."

Dolf frowned at himself.

"But I don't need to have to need to not."

...He had a feeling there were too many verbs in that sentence.


Re: Talk to the Leaders [9/29] daventryprince September 29 2010, 14:40:29 UTC
It...did seem like an awful lot, yes, but Alexander was determined to work through it all the same. Just give him a moment to sort it out in his head.

"You should at leave give them a try," he encouraged. "Even if only to get a better handle on the language. They're simply enough written while still being intellectually engaging..."


Re: Talk to the Leaders [9/29] swordsandsoccer September 29 2010, 14:44:40 UTC
Later on, Dolf's dubiousness at the phrase 'intellectually engaging' might have grown, but as it stood he had a hard enough time figuring out what Alexander was saying in the first place.

What he did understand, though, held a point. Annoyed as he was to have to concede it. "I don't know why you like these," he said, feeling a bit petulant, "But I'll try."


Re: Talk to the Leaders [9/29] daventryprince September 29 2010, 14:56:38 UTC
"I'll let you discover that for yourself," said Alexander, mysteriously, but with a faint chuckle. "And if you're still not convinced after that, then perhaps I will try to explain my point then."


Re: Talk to the Leaders [9/29] swordsandsoccer September 29 2010, 15:00:28 UTC
"You will have to," said Dolf. He wasn't out of stubbornness yet, thank you, even though he was now going for the box. "And I will hold you to it." That... was the right twist of phrase, right? Yes? Yes.


Re: Talk to the Leaders [9/29] daventryprince September 29 2010, 15:09:48 UTC
It was! Huzzah!

"Hopefully," said Alexander, grinning, "you won't have to."


Re: Talk to the Leaders [9/29] swordsandsoccer September 29 2010, 15:13:08 UTC
"Hopefully." Dolf lifted the box. "...How many are there?" he asked. "It's heavy."


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