Sep 14, 2010 08:03
Instead of the nearly usual coffee, there was a bend to the whims of the other leaders of the reserve and it was a large selection of mocha lattes. Yes, with a lot of whipped cream. Happy now, Zack?
"Welcome back," Maladicta said, under her umbrella ella ella once again as she addressed the group. "Today we're going to be talking about methods for escaping capture using whatever is available to you at the moment or your own natural abilities."
Like turning into the ever cliche bats!
Zack couldn't turn into bats, but he suspected that he'd totally find a way to escape capture if ever he was in a situation that warranted it. It would probably take him a while, depending on the situation, but sooner or later...
"It's really hard to say just what sort of capture you might face, on an island like this. But the simplest one for us to work with here and now would be the ever classic... Being tied up," Zack intoned, bouncing and smiling and yes, totally happy because his mocha had whipped cream and life was good and he was stupidly high on sugar. "Ropes and handcuffs and all of that!"
Oh, sure, bring up the natural abilities thing. Kennedy at least got to keep the annoyed look off her face by smothering an amused smirk at Zack. "Not like that, guys." Oh, you know someone was thinking it.
...someone other than Kennedy, because that was a given.
"Not like what?" Oh, Zack. You knew better, you silly boy. Stop playing dumb. "Aaaanyhow, today we've got some chairs set out, and some rope, and some handcuffs and stuff to experiment with. Pair off with someone and take turns tying one another to the chair, and trying to get free! Wriggling helps, I've heard! And, uh, if somebody is having trouble getting out, have a heart and let them go if they ask, okay? We're not here to traumatize anyone, just to get some practise in on the chance that we end up in some sticky situation."
Knowing Fandom, it could be literally sticky. But as someone who'd gotten tied to a chair not all that long ago herself, Kennedy spoke up, "And it's cool if you want to, uh, sit this one out today."
Maladicta was giving Zack a very concerned look for that last comment there, but was just going to ignore it for now. Square Enix sure was dirty! "If anyone has tips beside... wriggling... please feel free to share with your compatriots."
zack fair,