The deck - Afternoon

Sep 10, 2010 20:37

Jake was reclining on one of the chairs, his bare feet propped up on the railing. He was bored, bored and bored. Which led him to having gone off island for a while, catching up with the rest of the pack. On his way back, he'd found a nice piece of wood which he was working it with his knife so it slowly started to take the shape of a wolf ( Read more... )

rosalind, claudia donovan, jacob black, deck

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give_areason September 10 2010, 22:28:36 UTC
"What are you doing?" Rosalind asked. On her way back from town and stepping up the deck lightly.


need_no_moon September 10 2010, 22:32:19 UTC
"Something very dark and mysterious," Jake smirked at her. Yeah, he was full of it, but at least he held out the tiny carving for her to inspect. Not that it was anywhere near done, but the general shape was there.


give_areason September 10 2010, 22:34:29 UTC
Entirely full of it and she gave him a dirty look before glancing at the carving.

"For a reason?" she asked curiously. "Or simply to occupy yourself?"


need_no_moon September 10 2010, 22:37:49 UTC
If Jake noticed the dirty look, he must be entirely ignoring it.

"Just to keep my hands busy," he shrugged a shoulder. "It's kind of relaxing. My dad taught me how."

He wasn't sure why he tacked that last bit on.


give_areason September 10 2010, 22:42:17 UTC
Rosalind's eyes went slightly thoughtful at that.

"What made you think of it now?" And she was just going to take that seat there. Not far from him but not uncomfortably (for her) close.


need_no_moon September 10 2010, 22:45:32 UTC
"Boredom?" he suggested as he turned his attention back to the wolf and decided to try and tackle the head. "And I suppose I remembered because I talked to the rest of the pack earlier. Just catching up on stories from home."


give_areason September 10 2010, 22:49:30 UTC
She tilted her head up to the sky before trying to answer to that.

"How is home?"

Maybe she'd just keep asking questions.


need_no_moon September 10 2010, 22:54:03 UTC
She was asking a lot of questions lately, but he didn't really mind.

"Same old. One of the newest wolves if driving the rest of the pack insane. I'm kind of glad I don't have to deal with her emo on a daily basis," he wrinkled his nose.

"Have you heard anything from your home? I told Elena she sucks, but she never got back on that. Not that she's your sister sister, but you know..." He was rambling.


give_areason September 10 2010, 23:02:06 UTC
He was.

"I've not heard from the Elena you know," Rosalind replied, with an arched eyebrow to express her amusement at his rambling. "My Elena called me, however."

To be exasperating.

"How does a wolf become a wolf?" New wolf, old--how?


need_no_moon September 10 2010, 23:09:56 UTC
"I told you it's hereditary, right?" he checked, but didn't really wait for an answer as he continued. "It's in our blood, just... dormant. Then if there's need for us, we start changing. Our body adjusts... you know, we build up muscle and grow and stuff, it's to accommodate the changings. And then... It just happens. Your temper rises and everything starts pissing you off. Even the stupidest thing until you just explode. Almost literally."

He stared down at the wolf in his hands and brushed some dust from the nose. "How old is she again? Your Elena? Is she doing alright?"


give_areason September 10 2010, 23:17:01 UTC
"She's nine," Rosalind said, answering the easy part first. "And she was--well. We hadn't talked like that for a while. I've been writing her letters and she... called me."

Which was still a bit of a marvel.

"What does it mean?" she asked, glancing over at him and frowning slightly. "If there's need."


need_no_moon September 10 2010, 23:21:13 UTC
"That there's danger to the tribe because bloodsuckers are hanging around," Jake was more for answering the hard questions first. That way he could opt for trying to distract her by asking something back.

Except that she seemed to know this game. "That's good, right? Calling, I mean. She must miss you."


give_areason September 10 2010, 23:30:43 UTC
"Perhaps she does," Rosalind admitted. "Though admitting that is--unlikely. She wishes to borrow a book I told her about."

Fairies. Sigh. The worst part was that Rosalind kept reading them.

"Because they're in the area?" she continued. "Or because they've attacked?"


need_no_moon September 10 2010, 23:33:51 UTC
"In the area. Their mere presence is enough to wake us up or something," he shrugged. "And they're with a few, so we're expanding too."

He tilted his head at her, curious now. "What sort of book?"


give_areason September 10 2010, 23:39:08 UTC
"Ridiculous trash," she said dismissively. Which was not likely to stop him from asking. "That must be complicated, your situation."


need_no_moon September 10 2010, 23:43:34 UTC
Look, he was just going to ignore that remark. How could he possible pay it any attention what with what went before.

"You have trashy books?"


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