Treeline By The Cabins, Tuesday Afternoon

Jun 15, 2010 14:34

Today, the reserves group had been handwavily informed to meet near the treeline by the cabins. They'd also been informed to wear clothing that they didn't mind seeing get wet. The reason for this would probably be made perfectly clear the moment they gathered, considering the assortment of water guns and water balloons that were set out nearby.

Zack was grinning, with the biggest water gun he could find resting neatly on one shoulder as he surveyed the group.

"Today, we're going to combine a bit of what we've already covered, back when we had Jak and Triela show us around the guns, with a little bit of something new. You never know what kind of enemy you're going to face when the island gets invaded. Fandom has proven that much again and again. But one thing you should know is what sort of tactical advantage you can gain from your surroundings."

"And think three-dimensionally," added Kennedy, who had a much smaller pair of matching water guns in her hands and kept eyeing Zack's gigantoid one with a mix of envy and dubiousness. With a wry smile, since she still hadn't forgotten the rather dramatic lesson she'd gotten about it in Kaeleer, she kicked at the groundcover. "And keep the terrain in mind, too, especially if you're not used to stuff like fighting in the good ol' outdoors. Hey, we know it's freaking hot out, and we're making you run around in it, so-- water guns. But don't get the idea to just stand there and get hit to cool down, okay?"

"Same thing as last time," Jak agreed, "In reality, if you get shot, you're dead." These things were pretty simple. "Bonus points for anyone who rakes up a headshot count. Let's get some hair wet, guys."

shane gooseman, zack fair, kurt wagner, kennedy, ino yamanaka, triela, jak, squall leonhart

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