May 22, 2010 09:39
Ender had told him about television when he'd been trying to explain the computer and holograms: light that was shaped into things. Hiccup hadn't actually made the connection between the box he'd seen in the common room and television until he'd come wandering in search of food and seen the pictures playing across the glass.
Quest for food forgotten, he dropped to his knees in front of it, eyes wide, one hand on the glass. There were people and animals and machines and some sort of magical liquid that promised to make him irresistible to girls if he sprayed it all over himself. There was even a man on a horse.
Enraptured, Hiccup just kept staring, eyes about six inches from the screen.
[OOC: Open, of course! But you may have to shove the Viking out of the way if you want to watch TV.]
sookie stackhouse,
medusalith amaquelin,
2nd floor common room,
blackagar boltagon,
claudia donovan,
kitty pryde,
hayley fitzpatrick,
hiccup haddock