Francine's Birthday Party, Sixth Floor Common Room, Thursday Late Afternoon/Evening

Apr 01, 2010 09:32

Katchoo had felt justified in blowing most of her last paycheck on food for this party, because this was a girl who would eat half-raw macaroni and cheese if left to her own devices and you really didn't want her cooking. It helped to have a radio cohost who ran the diner and could be shamelessly self-modded and had the weirdest mushy soft spot ( Read more... )

jack priest, katina choovanski, firekeeper, bobby drake, dinah lance, kennedy, mat cauthon, karla, tahiri veila, tara maclay, gabrielle, 6th floor, arthur pendragon

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Setup: Before the Party thismaskiwear April 1 2010, 16:34:16 UTC
For the people (previously arranged or otherwise) helping Katchoo set up. She'll even kind of act like she likes you for the time being! Well. She might actually like you, but that's classified. Or something.


Re: Setup: Before the Party glacial_witch April 1 2010, 17:55:44 UTC
Karla hadn't actually promised to help set up, but she'd been tasked with getting a bunch of decorations and things and kind of assumed that this was a continuation of that.

So she was there with balloons and streamers and whatever the heck else, grateful that she hadn't accidentally dropped another jar of glitter into the air vents again.


Re: Setup: Before the Party thismaskiwear April 1 2010, 20:14:05 UTC
"Geez," Katchoo noted from where she was shoving tables together, "what the hell didja do? Buy out the store?"


Re: Setup: Before the Party glacial_witch April 1 2010, 20:24:28 UTC
Karla looked down at Katchoo, confused. "I wanted to make sure we had enough," she replied. "Besides, it's Francine's party. It should be...festive."


Re: Setup: Before the Party thismaskiwear April 1 2010, 20:49:43 UTC
"Relax. I'm not complaining." It just sounded like she was. Katchoo was difficult that way. "I'm impressed you went all out."

"Besides," she added with one last nudge to the table she was moving, "you're right. Francine deserves one hell of a festive party. Senior year, last birthday in Fandom, all that."

And with any luck, there wouldn't be public nudity involved.

Oh, $*@!, did you just jinx it, Chewie?


Re: Setup: Before the Party glacial_witch April 1 2010, 20:53:23 UTC

"Are you guys leaving right after graduation?" Karla asked. "Or are you going to stick around for the rest of the summer, at least?"

She just kind of took it as a given that, whenever they left, they'd be going together.


Re: Setup: Before the Party thismaskiwear April 1 2010, 21:02:02 UTC
Oh, Karla. Brownies are not a prerequisite for accidental public nudity when Francine's involved. Trust Katchoo on this.

"Dunno." Katchoo, who also took it as a given, glanced around the common room with what could have been a brief, wistful smile if you squinted just right. "She --" by which she actually meant both of them -- "loves it here. I think we'll end up sticking around as long as possible."


Re: Setup: Before the Party glacial_witch April 1 2010, 21:46:58 UTC
Karla missed the grin that might have been, mostly because she was also giving the room a fond glance. "Considering how dead-set I was against leaving Glacia...I'm almost surprised how much I've come to love this place." She blushed, not wanting Katchoo to think she was a maudlin idiot. "I'll be sad when you all leave."


Re: Setup: Before the Party thismaskiwear April 1 2010, 21:56:28 UTC
Sure, blindside her with a fresh dose of the realization that she was going to miss the hell out of the Camelot guys, why don't you, Karla? So no judging you for being a maudlin idiot, anyway.

Not to say you were one, but . . . the accusation wasn't going to be made, internally or otherwise.

"It's gotta happen. People come and go, high school works that way. Because high school usually sucks," Katchoo said instead, gruffly, and adopted a slightly mocking tone as she sang in her rough voice, "It's the ciiiiiiiircle of liiiiiiiiiiiife."


Re: Setup: Before the Party glacial_witch April 1 2010, 23:50:11 UTC
Okay, the sudden break into song confused Karla. Her little cultural exposure hadn't yet expanded to Disney. "We don't have high schools in Kaeleer. Well, not like this, anyway."


Re: Setup: Before the Party thismaskiwear April 2 2010, 00:08:12 UTC
What, were you expecting a completely unfrustrating conversation with Katchoo or something?

"Oh, right. I keep forgetting about that." Or maybe she'd just been a cynical little dumbass out of habit. "Consider that part of the education, then."


Re: Setup: Before the Party glacial_witch April 2 2010, 04:07:49 UTC
"The singing or the stuff about high school?" Karla asked, giving Katchoo a crooked grin.


Re: Setup: Before the Party thismaskiwear April 2 2010, 04:30:57 UTC
"All of the above," Katchoo said without having to stop and think about it. "You're not missing out on much for missing the typical high school experience, don't worry about that."


Re: Setup: Before the Party glacial_witch April 2 2010, 04:43:06 UTC
"I was apprenticed to the Hourglass for about four years after my parents died," Karla offered. "That was sort of like a school. There were several other young witches there and we were learning to be Black Widows. I lived with the coven, then."


Re: Setup: Before the Party thismaskiwear April 2 2010, 15:34:38 UTC
Katchoo stomped down on the urge to snort reflexively; if she heard the term 'Black Widows' from someone from this world, she'd have immediately blown it off as pretentious teenage rebellion, but hi, she'd been to Briarwood in Karla's mind.

"People you had things in common with at least?" she offered diffidently. "Lemme tell you the one big difference I've noticed between Fandom and most schools in my world. People actually give a shit about each other, sometimes. Not sayin' it's perfect, but stuff like last week happens and they go out and do something about it."

Like, say, be an idiot and get knocked unconscious. Arthur. But the sentiment was applicable anyway. "Goin' into your head like we did that time. Following people home on some insane hero mission. Go hang out in the hallway of any high school in this country, you'll see packs of idiot jocks hanging out picking on the nerds because it makes 'em feel big, cheerleaders being bitches to girls who won't make the cover of Cosmo, the math club tryin' to get the hell ( ... )


Re: Setup: Before the Party glacial_witch April 2 2010, 16:13:22 UTC
Different kind of Black Widows!

Karla still didn't understand everything Katchoo was talking about (jocks? Cosmo?), but understood the sentiment just the same. "That's one of the reasons I do love it here," Karla said quietly. "If someone says they care for you, they don't turn away when you're asking for help."

And that brushed just a liiiittle to close to some issues she fully hadn't resolved, so she immediately smiled and teased, "Speaking of which, mind handing me some more balloons to hang?"


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