First Floor Lobby, Saturday

Mar 27, 2010 13:26


By the door in the lobby was still a box of gas masks that had been there since Thursday and a clipboard for signing them out. The poster about them was on the wall. At some point, Francine had stopped by and refilled the plate of butterscotch morsel cookies.

Also on the wall was a much cruder, plainer sign that Kurt had taped there.

Today, Kurt was clinging to the ceiling while he watched TV. He wasn't about to turn off the image inducer just yet, but if he was advertising some of his powers, it didn't make sense to hide the others, right? He started amusing himself by trying to figure out the minimum amount of skin contact he could maintain with the ceiling without falling off.

[OOC: Feel free to sign out a gas mask, or just mod having taken one. Also feel free to snag Kurt for transportation.]

zack fair, kurt wagner, bobby drake, dru anderson, makita, posters, kennedy, kate gregson, 1st floor lobby, gabrielle

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