2nd Floor Common Room -- Monday Early Evening

Jan 04, 2010 17:24

Hinata had figured that even if Warren was more than pleasant about dealing with Yei, that it was only good manners to remove herself (and her cat) from the room at intervals just so he could spend longer than kitten could nap without Yei attempting to stalk and play with his feathers.

Yei was a bit sulky about this move it had to be admitted. She liked the feathers.

At least, until Hinata rolled a brightly coloured ball with bells in it across the floor of the common room and all thoughts of feathers disappeared from Yei’s head as things quickly reoriented themselves, in Yei's view of the world, to ‘Omigod it's moving--moving. My ball! After it! Miiine! HI BALL!’. And a fuzzy white kitten went stampeding after the ball as if it were the best thing ever.

For her part, Hinata contented herself with a book and keeping an eye on Yei.

[Ooopen as common rooms are, yes!]

2nd floor common room, elena, spock, hyuuga hinata, didi, bruce wayne

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