Magic Reserves, The Preserve. Wednesday Afternoon

Dec 09, 2009 17:05

Merlin was still trying his best to not be seen, even as he was there to help lead the reserve. It was a very complicated maneuver. "Hello everyone," He said, looking at a nice tree that he hadn't made a fool of himself in front of.

"We thought, in light of the---weekend---we ought to come up with a plan of what to do in case you remain normal as that happens again."

This was Karla, eyes on her feet, steadily repressing any memories she might have of leather catsuits and her 'darke Master'. "So, we're definitely going to ask anyone who did remain normal to share what they experienced," she continued, fighting off a blush. "Especially if they have tips to share."

"How did you realize that people weren't normal?" Tony asked. "I mean, sometimes it's obvious, but sometimes it's just something small that makes you notice things aren't quite right."

Merlin managed one tiny glance over at Karla and Tony and--Karla again. He couldn't seem to look away now.

"I--yes. Small things." He cleared his throat and moved not so vaguely straight for her. He hadn't never truly realized how he felt until this very moment.

Well, it was kind of hard not to acknowledge at Merlin when he was right there. Karla glanced over, experienced yet another moment of slight dizziness where it felt like the world was shifting beneath her feet, and then dazedly blinked up into his wonderful, handsome, incredibly beloved face.

"Precisely," she breathed, swaying closer to him. "The problem is, the people involved don't seem to have any idea that they're behaving in any way unnaturally. It seems perfectly sensible and logical for them to engage in whatever bizarre activities they've adopted and they have no memory of being in any way different."

Would he be willing to kiss her? Would he mind if she kissed him? Did it matter? All Karla knew was that she loved him more than anyone else in the world. Hell's fire, he was her world.

Tony gave them a funny look, then quietly slid his camera phone from his pocket. "It never hurts to get pictures or video of what's happening," he said. "For documentation purposes."

[OCD up!]

tony foster, francine peters, magic reserves, diana hansen, dinah lance, merlin, kennedy, leda, karla, raven, tara maclay, arthur pendragon

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