5th Floor Common Room, Monday Night

Nov 09, 2009 18:48

Raven had a secret, one she hadn't shared with anyone. It was even more closely guarded than the whole being a demon thing. Raven, you see, had developed an addiction...to Rumor Gal.

So come Monday night, she slipped out to the common room, pleased to find it empty. She wasn't sure how to explain her obsession with the show. Some of the characters did terrible things to one another, but it was so rich with so many powerful emotions, and she enjoyed experiencing them vicariously. She was particularly drawn to the bad boy of the show for some reason, and, though she'd never admit it, she was anxious to find out if he and his girlfriend were involved in the threesome that was supposed to happen tonight.

She sat down on the couch, curling her legs under her, and flipped on the TV, munching on a plate of vegetables as she waited for the show to begin.

[*sigh* It's canon. Raven watches Gossip Girl religiously. :D Up a bit early so I don't forget, like I have for the past three Mondays.]

5th floor common room, raven, hayley fitzpatrick, hoshi sato

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