bathrooms | all day | wednesday | november 4

Nov 04, 2009 08:33

Overnight, pieces of butcher block paper with Things Every Girl at Fandom Should Know and Things Every Guy at Fandom Should Know written across the top had appeared inside every boys and girls room on every single floor of the dorms. Who put them there? Well, that'd remain a mystery for now.

Several pens and markers lay nearby the pieces of paper, giving everyone the means to mark up all that pristine paper. Got something to say? Got something you wanna tell people? Got a secret you wanna confess?

Just write it down!

[c'mon, i know some of you remember these! if you don't, check it out here and here. feel free to write whatever you'd like down! feel free to also talk to each other, react, tease, and/or sneak into the other bathroom (though be prepared for a smackdown).]

francine peters, ben skywalker, hannibal king, lois lane, bathrooms, chuck bass, alex karev, mat cauthon, priestly, arthur pendragon, jon o'neill, sam winchester

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