Behind the Dorms, Tuesday After Classes

Sep 01, 2009 08:32

"It's introductions time again," Zack said, launching right into his greeting the moment it looked like everyone who was going to show up for the Reserves meeting was there. This was in no small part due to the fact that he'd only actually met one of the new kids yet, and his wiggly puppy sense was tingling.

A lot.

"Every semester we seem to get a trickle in of new faces, so it can't hurt for all of us to stand up and share! We need names, your fighting experience and weapons proficiency, and what kind of other skills you might have that would come in handy in an invasion situation!"

A pause. A kind of squirmy sway from one foot to the other. Zack wanted to get started on that noooooow.

"You new guys have probably had the invasions mentioned to you at least once by now, I hope. If not, uh... Welcome to Fandom Island! That sort of thing is what we're here for! I'll go first! I'm Zack Fair, SOLDIER 2nd Class, so yes, I am a kid in the military, and I do have a pretty decent rank, too. My weapon of choice is a sword and materia- little round spheres that let me cast spells, like fireballs or healing. I have access to items that can heal a person in a pinch, too, which comes in really handy on the field. Okay! Somebody else's turn!"

People! Introductions! Yay!

[OCD is up, and once again, the reserves are open to anyone who feels compelled to stumble along to scope it all out. We love new faces, from fighters and those interested in becoming them!]

zack fair, ben skywalker, grounds, leto atreides, jason stackhouse, azula, lion-o, jak, ino yamanaka, triela, tahiri veila, gabrielle, griffin o'connor, dinah lance, fiona post, kennedy, mat cauthon, karla

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