Magical Reserve - Preserve Next to The Cabins, Wednesday

Jul 15, 2009 08:07

With tea and biscuits--oh hush, he was a proper Irish English boy--ready for members and guests, Merlin was cheerfully waiting for everyone to arrive.

"Hello! Today, Karla and I have a bit of a new exercise for us all to try today," He informed everyone with a sort of manic cheer that came from hoping to god this ended well.

Karla stepped forward with the blithe carelessness that came from having no clue that anything could possibly go wrong with her plan. "Kiss kiss everyone. So, more than anything else, there needs to be trust between us as a group. Without it, we'll be disorganized, inefficient, and the other members of the Reserves won't trust us, either. Which, in a crisis, could lead to disaster. So, I thought today we could focus on building that trust together. And for that we have--" she paused for a moment to let the anticipation build "--magical trustfalls!" She beamed at them, certain they'd be as enthusiatic as she was about the idea.

"Yay!" Merlin offered with a strangled little cheer. "Karla and I will demonstrate."

Or something.


"That's right!" Karla said, giving Merlin a reassuring smile. One that had a lot of teeth in it. She practically skipped around behind him. "In case you're not sure what a trustfall is, Merlin is going to close his eyes and fall backwards, expecting me to catch him before he hits the ground. I'm going to do so, but only with magic." She clasped her arms behind her back. "Ready Merlin?" she chirped. "You trust me, right?"

It wasn't reassuring at all! But he nodded dutifully and closed his eyes. "Of course."


Taking a breath, he fell backwards.

Karla took the easiest path. Using Craft, she solidified the air behind him, the same way she would if she were airwalking. Merlin hadn't tipped back more than a few inches before the air caught him. "Now, there are a ton of different things I could have done. I could have called in a big pile of soft things for him to land on, or put a shield behind him, or just floated something over to catch him."

Merlin blinked a few times and looked around at the nothing holding him up. "Whatever it is you believe might work best. And if you don't think you can use magic, your hands are perfectly fine."

"Or if you think your magic isn't suitable, you can always brainstorm with a partner about ways you could possibly make it suitable," Karla added. "I've found that a lot of working with magic involves improvising." She looked over and gave Merlin her best unsure-but-game grin. "My turn now?"

Merlin nodded and waved toward the rest of the group. "Pair off and get started then!"

zack fair, magic reserves, karla, alex russo, raven, merlin

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