4th Floor Common Room, Afternoon

May 10, 2009 11:59

Fandom High had it's traditions. It had it's gremlins, weird lockers, zombie band, and shirtless students. It also had another, slightly less wide spread, but no less bizarre tradition. A very personal tradition, really ( Read more... )

marco conrad, 4th floor common room

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cutsthestrings May 10 2009, 23:38:37 UTC
Fiona honestly wasn't sure how one was supposed to use these spaces, and out of curiosity she'd been checking if each of them was the same when she noticed the polar bear.

That's certainly different.

As it didn't seem to be causing any trouble and seemed fully hypnotized by the idiot box, she simply licked her lips and sat down on one of the couches to see what this television nonsense was all about.


morpherboy May 10 2009, 23:43:38 UTC
The polar bear raised his head and nodded at Fiona.


cutsthestrings May 10 2009, 23:49:00 UTC
She smiled in reply.

"Are you another student?" she asked calmly. After a talk with an apartment-sized crocodile with teeth the size of your arms, well, this didn't strike her that hard.

Also, the complete lack of fiction in her life had sort of made her more likely to simply believe truths as they were as opposed to thinking it was a joke or a trick.


morpherboy May 11 2009, 00:22:30 UTC
The polar bear nodded and shoved a bucket of popcorn in her direction.


cutsthestrings May 11 2009, 00:31:42 UTC
She looked at the bucket of popcorn before taking it and settling it in her lap. She couldn't eat it, or rather she could but it would taste like sawdust, but she thought that perhaps it could have another use.

"What do I do with this? I'm not hungry."


anarchist_queen May 11 2009, 00:56:01 UTC
"They have these where you're from?"


cutsthestrings May 11 2009, 01:24:32 UTC
"Televisions or polar bears?"

It was a reasonable question.


anarchist_queen May 11 2009, 01:38:29 UTC
It was. "Televisions. But now that you mention it, are there polar bears there?"


cutsthestrings May 11 2009, 01:43:43 UTC
"They exist. I'm aware of them. We never had them in our home and we were strictly forbidden to watch them," she admitted as she peered at the popcorn. She finally held it out to the other girl.

"Do you want it?"


anarchist_queen May 11 2009, 02:10:32 UTC
"Sure thanks." She took a handful of the popcorn. "Really? Forbidden? They just didn't work where I come from."


cutsthestrings May 11 2009, 02:18:33 UTC
"My Mother insisted," she said, obviously not particularly enamored of the subject.

"And we were in California, which is usually devoid of polar bears."

It was also usually devoid of demon lords, but she wasn't going there.


anarchist_queen May 11 2009, 02:55:02 UTC
"There's a bunch of kids I've met from California." Leda observed. "Hey what year is it? Girl I talked to yesterday said it was 1917 where she came from."


cutsthestrings May 11 2009, 03:27:34 UTC
She shook her head.

"2009," she told the other girl.


anarchist_queen May 11 2009, 03:34:47 UTC
"Wow. That's gonna be weird from the kids from the past I guess."


cutsthestrings May 11 2009, 03:57:47 UTC
"And what time are you from?"


anarchist_queen May 12 2009, 04:41:19 UTC
Leda shrugged. "Dunno. Bordertown's kinda it's own time zone y'know?"


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