Roof, Late Monday Afternoon

Feb 09, 2009 20:22

Momoko was sitting on the roof, clutching her knees and staring off into the distance. Every once in a while she looked down at the pages held captive under her feet. Coloured pencil aside, they included measurements of distance and speed, calculations of force, notes about which girl could strike easier from this or that angle, their reaction ( Read more... )

katina choovanski, rikku, dinah lance, momoko akatsutsumi, roof

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thismaskiwear February 10 2009, 03:33:34 UTC
Katchoo kind of felt like she should have had enough of the roof so far, but it was a good place to smoke.

. . . and to mope, okay, yeah. Frikking Razormouth. Couldn't she have been someone happy for the weekend? Couldn't she have not been someone else for the weekend? It didn't sit too well with her that something like that could happen, and her not have a say in it.

She didn't notice Momoko right off, too busy fumbling her pack out of her pocket and trying to get her lighter to spark up.


heromaniac February 10 2009, 03:47:53 UTC
Momoko really wasn't as much of a goody-two-shoes lecturer as the other Blossom had been, really. So she was totally going to blame it on something still left over from the weekend: "You know smoking is bad for you, right? And can cause lung cancer for the people you care most about?"


thismaskiwear February 10 2009, 03:49:37 UTC
Katchoo blew out a long stream of smoke, though away from Momoko. "Which is why I'm all the way over here." You know, assuming she cared.


heromaniac February 10 2009, 04:15:31 UTC
"Right. Right. Sorry." Momoko rolled her eyes and sighed. "I forgot that was the smoking-can't-hurt-me-or-the-people-I-love corner. I'll just go back to sitting quietly over here against the caring-about-another-human-being's-welfare wall."

She paused, then smiled briefly. "But thanks for blowing that in the other direction, it actually was very nice of you."


thismaskiwear February 10 2009, 04:24:43 UTC
Katchoo didn't usually anticipate a combination of sarcasm and politeness, and she blinked for a moment. "Yeah, sure," she finally answered. Blink.


heromaniac February 10 2009, 04:42:40 UTC
That reaction brought out a real smile. "Sorry, I'm not really feeling myself today." Or yesterday, or Saturday...


thismaskiwear February 10 2009, 04:50:04 UTC
"Yeah, you, me, and most of the frikkin' school," Katchoo answered after another carefully directed exhalation of smoke.


heromaniac February 10 2009, 05:03:40 UTC
"You too? You weren't the talking duck, were you? Because if you were, that cape and hat really were not very superhero-y at all." Momoko followed the smoke with her eyes; the girl really was being rather nice about it.


blondecanary February 10 2009, 03:56:31 UTC
Dinah noticed the girl she didn't really know, and waved from her place by Momoko. "Hey."

Someone walks up, you say hey, right?


thismaskiwear February 10 2009, 04:03:27 UTC
Katchoo eyed Dinah and grunted, which was an actual greeting for her. Amazingly.

She did not, luckily, make any connection between Dinah and the bossy fishnetted know-it-all from Saturday.


blondecanary February 10 2009, 04:09:36 UTC
It's probably a good think Dinah didn't recognize the emo self-destructive person from Saturday either.

"Dinah," Dinah said, just so she'd know. The other blonde didn't seem to want a conversation. Still, it helped to identify yourself, right?


thismaskiwear February 10 2009, 04:13:07 UTC
"Duly noted," Katchoo answered dryly. "The lack of a smoking-is-bad-mmmkay lecture is appreciated."


blondecanary February 10 2009, 04:17:06 UTC
"You're welcome. It's why I'm over here," Dinah said, smirking a little. "But it's a big roof. And your lungs." She didn't think it was very smart, but hey. She didn't know this girl aside from maybe seeing her in a Common Room at some point.

She leaned back on her hands, and stared upward, trying to find that calm place that Miss Atreides was trying to teach her about.


thismaskiwear February 10 2009, 04:22:40 UTC
"Got that right." Katchoo's tone might have almost been a dare to say anything more about her habit.


blondecanary February 10 2009, 04:26:02 UTC
Dinah didn't look over to her, just shrugged, quick and fast, not dismissive, just a non-verbal 'yup.' Still smiling a little, her mind half on Katchoo, and half on that concentration exercise.

Katchoo there. Momoko there. Stars there. Smooooke... drifting over there somewhere. She yawned.

See, she always fell asleep when she tried to do this.


thismaskiwear February 10 2009, 04:33:20 UTC
Over in her corner, Katchoo yawned too. "Aw, thanks," she groused, though in an almost friendly way.

Almost -- she had to appreciate the lack of unwanted conversation, at least.


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