Precocious Ponies campfire, early Saturday morning

Aug 09, 2008 20:09

Karal was minus his menagerie this morning. Evey and Altra were off in the preserve, Trenor was in the stable where he belonged, and Vashti was sleeping inside.

He was grateful for the solitude, because his conversation with John yesterday had left him deeply worried, and he needed to pray. His head was bowed, his hands neatly folded in his lap, and he couldn't have seen anything even if his eyes had been open.

Which was both a blessing and a curse, because there was a Very Large spider making its way along the ground in front of him.

Very close to his bare feet. So close it was practically on top of his bare feet.

Karal twitched a little as it brushed his toes, and it froze, crouching low. Karal was deep in prayer, and he didn't move again, but the spider stayed where it was.

[ooc: Totally open and gdjahgsioqiwujfklfhw BAD SPIDERS OMG]

gavin darklighter, seely booth, precocious ponies, karal austreben

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