So, she'd made dinner three nights in a row, cleaned Rodney's room yesterday, and today she was doing laundry. Which she had to admit she'd never really done before. And certainly never with these machines
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Dawn burst into the room, dressed in her brand new pirate wardrobe--black pants, a loose white shirt, a corsety thing that laced in front, and knee-high black boots, and brandishing a sword that looked very much like it might have been one of a set of light swords from Space Battles, then ran to a defensible position, still waving it around.
"Not so much, no," Dawn lowered her weapon and grinned at the other girl, then caught sight of McKay. "Hi. I'm Dawn. Nice to meet you, and I'm sorry if I interrupted anything smoochy."
"Between you and Rodney," she clarified. "Like, if you were having a laundry date, and the mood's getting less and less bleach-scented, and there's about to be smooching, and then wham, invasion of the dorks and the mood is broken. Sorry if I screwed anything up. I didn't mean to."
"Oh yeah," she said, nodding excessively in her relief, then using her sword replica to point to herself, then John. "Us. Goofing around, high on ye olde pirate life and maybe bored and having seen too many movies. Are you new here?"
"Maybe they'll be back? If not, there's a place in town that sells clothes in lots of colors, and you can always dye them if they're out of black or something," she told Helen, feeling her pain over the bodice thing. "What's a Hand of Uquar?"
Helen nodded thoughtfully. "I suppose that would be acceptable."
She thought for a moment, trying to decide how to explain. "In general the Hands of Uquar are priests. They are also scholars and warriors, but they exist to spread the word of Uquar. I am The Hand of Uquar. I was born with a... gift that proves I was the one destined to help bring back the wider times."
Dawn couldn't help the glance down at her hips. She really couldn't. "These wider times? They're a good thing? Do you get people to help you do this, or special powers, or books, or anything?"
Helen tried very hard not to laugh or even smile. "They are a very good thing," she said seriously. "And we already began it. Jamie released Uquar from his imprisonment and then we drove Them out of the Real Place and freed all the worlds."
"And I am not certain if you would call it a special power, but I can do this." The fingers of her hand turned a gray color, which quickly spread up her arm until she could reach out and touch Dawn with a long gray rubbery feeling thing.
"Yay world freeing, then." Dawn shivered at the feeling of rubber against her skin. "What--okay, just fyi? That's not something any of the rest of us can do here. As far as I know."
Helen laughed. "I can make my arm into pretty much anything I want," she said, tickling at Dawn's neck with the elephant trunk. "Not a flamethrower, though. Dean already asked."
"You'll never take me alive, you scoundrel!"
"The Hands of Uquar only wear black. And this?" She tugged futilely at the low bodice once more. "Is definitely not black."
She thought for a moment, trying to decide how to explain. "In general the Hands of Uquar are priests. They are also scholars and warriors, but they exist to spread the word of Uquar. I am The Hand of Uquar. I was born with a... gift that proves I was the one destined to help bring back the wider times."
"And I am not certain if you would call it a special power, but I can do this." The fingers of her hand turned a gray color, which quickly spread up her arm until she could reach out and touch Dawn with a long gray rubbery feeling thing.
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