Near the stables, Saturday morning

Jul 19, 2008 19:20

"Arrrrrr, Horsie!"

Trenor looked down at the very small pirate with mild astonishment, and dropped his head to sniff him.

"Avast, ye be a fine horsie!" the wee pirate declared. He hollered and several more wee tiny pirates ran over, climbing onto each other's shoulders so the first could slide his belt through Trenor's halter. "You'll fetch us a pretty penny."

With a puzzled tilt to his ears, Trenor followed along obediently, head craned down, as the precarious pile of wee pirates tottered off.

They'd made it half way to the Preserve when Karal and Altra happened upon them. "That's my horse!" Karal paused. "Well, no, he's not my horse anymore, he's Aravis' horse but still, he's not yours!"

The pirates scowled and brandished cutlasses and went on about the right of theft trumping all.

:I don't think so.: Altra stalked across the grass and pounced, scattering wee pirates every which way and startling Trenor into jumping back, a pirate swinging from his halter. Altra flattened a pirate under his paw and snapped one out of the air. Karal booted another (gently) and Trenor, ears flat, flicked his head and flung the pirate hanging from his halter flying towards the Preserve.

:Blasted pirates.: Altra spat his pirate out and swatted the other, sending it tumbling over and over in the grass. :Blasted island.:

Trenor snorted and nuzzled Karal while Karal ran his hands over him, checking for injuries. "He doesn't seem to have been hurt," he finally said, then added hopefully, "Do you think you could lead us so I could ride him back?"

:Just try and keep up,: Altra told him and launched himself forward. Grinning, Karal swung up onto Trenor's back and they cantered after the 'cat. Karal might not be able to see anything beyond the grass under Altra's nose, but - here near the stables on familiar ground - he trusted Trenor to keep them both safe.

A wee pirate chased after them for a few feet before giving up with a disgruntled, "Arrrrr."
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