Andromeda Campfire; Monday Evening.

May 19, 2008 21:48

Typically, Turtle's strategy involving campfires was centered on the idea of hopping to ones belonging to people she didn't get stuck living with through the entire day. Tonight, however, she was making an exception, especially when one considered that it was a Monday evening and she was not at the radio station. It was surreal and strange and a little bit frightening, so she wasn't feeling too comfortable with going too far away from the safety of her own, familiar cabin tonight.

She was currently attempting to get a fire started, and not doing too terribly well, even if she had a lighter and everything. With her schedule all out of whack like this, it just seemed nothing was going to work right for her.

If one listened carefully, they might have even heard something that could almost have been a curse word, although nothing more dastardly than "damn it!"

[[ open, of course! ]]

andromeda, tabitha-ruth wexler, lion-o

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